The Committee for Open Science
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in a dynamic and coordinated manner. It is made up of several bodies that put forward guidelines, examine cases, make decisions and promote and support the actions linked to all of this. It is a fluid structure which facilitates the expression and feedback of ideas, commitments and contributions.
Our missions
- To ensure the coordinated implementation with higher education and research of a national plan aimed at making all publications and research data openly available;
- To enable the development of open science skills in the scientific community;
- To coordinate national action in the field of open science on the European and international levels;
- To define the principles and directions to be adopted concerning the assignment of financing from the national fund for open science and how it is used;
- To define the principles and directions to be adopted for negotiations with the main scientific publishers;
- To propose all actions likely to strengthen or promote the access to knowledge or research data to ministers of higher education and research and all public authorities.
Structure of the Committee for Open Science
The Steering Committee for Open Science is made up of:
- The Director General for Research and Innovation, President of the Committee;
- The Director General of Higher Education and Professional Integration;
- The presidents of France Universités, the Conference of Deans of French Schools of Engineering (CDEFI), the Conference of Grandes Écoles (CGE) and Udice;
- The Presidents and Chief Executive Officers of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), the National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (Inria), the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) and the Chief Administrative Officer of the Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA);
- The President and Vice-President of the Unified Consortium of Higher Education and Research Organizations for Access to Digital Publications (Couperin);
- The President and Chief Executive Officer of the French National Research Agency (ANR);
- The President of the High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres)
- One or more qualified people who are competent in the field of open science.
The permanent secretariat is made up of:
- the National Coordinator for Open Science,
- the ministerial administrator of data, algorithms and source codes,
- the head of the department for the coordination of higher education and research strategies,
- the deputy director of strategic management and territories,
- representatives France Uniersités, Udice, the Conference of Deans of French Schools of Engineering (CDEFI), the Conference of Grandes Écoles (CGE),
- representatives of the three associations dedicated to scientific information and university and research libraries – Couperin, ADBU, EPRIST,
- representatives of the presidents of CNRS, INRAE, Inria and Inserm, and of the Chief Administrative Officer of the CEA
- the representative of the ANR’s president,
- the pilots of the Committee for Open Science’s colleges and permanent expert groups,
- members of the website’s editorial committee.
The colleges provide guidance for and implement the National Open Science Policy:
- the European and International College – Operating until 2024
- the Skills and Training College – Operating until 2024
Two expert groups support the colleges in their work:
The forum has more than 300 members; It is open to professionals from higher education and research organisations and institutions whose work is related to Open Science. To join the forum, you can send your application with your Orcid login to the Committee for Open Science.