RDA Thirteenth Plenary Meeting


Data professionals, researchers, industry leaders, entrepreneurs and policymakers from all disciplines and geographies will reconvene from April 2-4, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for RDA’s 13th Plenary Meeting (P13). Research Data Alliance (RDA) Plenaries are held twice a year, at various locations across the globe.

The last plenary held in the United States (U.S.), Plenary 10, was held in Denver, Colorado as part of International Data Week (IDW) 2016.

With a track record of success represented by strong attendance, concrete outcomes, and overwhelmingly positive meeting satisfaction and value for attendees, RDA Plenaries are consistently successful in facilitating the international RDA data community in connecting data conversations across the globe and among all disciplines.

Call for Sessions Opens: 16 November 2018

Date and Hour
02 April 2019 04 April 2019
Philadelphia, USA
Other Informations
Research Data Alliance-United States in partnership with Drexel University


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Conference - The Hague, the Netherlands
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