PV2020: Ensuring Long-Term Preservation and Adding Value to Scientific and Technical Data POSTPONE


Due to measures taken to reduce the impact / spread of Covid-19, PV2020 will be postponed.

Tentative new dates are NOVEMBER 4-6 2020 at CERN.


The PV 2020 Conference welcomes you to its 10th edition, to be held 12th – 14th  May 2020 at CERN, the European Centre for Nuclear Research.

CERN is operating the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and is working on a strategy (as part of the general European Strategy for Particle Physics) that foresees a timeline out until the end of the current century. Some 300PB of data are currently stored in the on-site archive – including data from previous generations of experiments, such as the Large Electron Positron collider (LEP) that took data from 1989 to 2000 – with additional copies at collaborating High Energy Physics institutes around the world.

In contrast to other conferences and workshops on related topics, the PV series has a particular focus on scientific data, often from large scale, multi-national facilities. However, one should not forget that at least a number of the challenges faced are shared with many other disciplines, as is the need for effective collaboration and sharing of ideas and even solutions.

PV2020 Conference Objectives and Sessions

PV2020 Conference Objectives

The primary objectives continue to be the sharing of experiences and emerging issues regarding the long-term preservation, re-use and sharing of scientific (and associated) data.

The update of the OAIS reference model (ISO 14721), the various Certification methodologies, requirements from Funding Agencies (FAs) for (FAIR) Data Management Plans, together with technological changes / challenges are all relevant discussion points.

Of particular interest are experience and position papers from Large Scale Multi-National projects but all papers / posters that address the above issues and / or the traditional topics of PV are welcome.

Given that for many disciplines, e.g. those that make “observations” (by definition unique and un-repeatable), the very (very) long term is of interest. In addition, the possibility of finding synergies, even across seemingly disparate disciplines, and which could eventually result in significant cost savings, is clearly of importance.

These issues are reflected in the sessions described below.

With respect to previous conferences in this series, and whilst maintaining the overall thrust, additional goals for PV2020 include:

  • Attracting more scientific communities
  • Broadening information exchange, sharing of experiences, tools and even services
  • Keeping in step with (or ahead of) funding agencies / policy makers in their push for Long Term Data Preservation and Open Data

PV2020 Conference Sessions

The following sessions are foreseen for PV2020.

  • Session 1: Ensuring long-term data and knowledge preservation (the “P” in PV);
  • Session 2: Adding value to data and facilitation of data use (the “V” in PV);
  • Session 3: Short – medium term issues related to policy, technology, guidelines, FAIR / TRUST principles, certification;
  • Session 4: (Very) long term issues.


Abstract registration deadline: January 31, 2020
Submission deadline: April 30, 2020

Date and Hour
12 May 2020 14 May 2020
Geneva, Switzerland


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