OASPA2021 – Online Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing
We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 2021 OASPA Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing. The conference takes place online during the week beginning Monday 20 September 2021. Please share this information and the registration link (https://oaspa2021.eventbrite.co.uk/) with colleagues who may be interested.
The 2021 online conference will address many timely and fundamental topics relating to open scholarly communication. These include, and are not limited to
- equity in knowledge and health
- preprint impacts
- 21st-century knowledge sharing systems
- libraries and pathways to transformation
- publishing skills and open research
- the intended and unintended impacts of researcher incentives and policies on OA
Recordings from the OASPA 2021 annual conference are now available.
Conference - The Hague, the Netherlands
The main theme of IDCC this year is Twenty years back, twenty years forward: lessons and directions in digital curation. The first International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) took place in 2005, one year after the launch of the Digital Curation Centre. The…