LIBER Winter Event


Report on outputs on LIBER Winter Event

LIBER’s first-ever Winter Event (formerly known as the LIBER Mid-Term Event) will be held in person on the 1st – 2nd of December 2022 at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

The LIBER Winter Event will be a space for us to connect and gain new inspiration for a range of topics within our field. It serves as a stimulating forum for the presentation and discussion of work undertaken by LIBER Working Groups.

Work that is carried out through the International Projects, studies and initiatives in which LIBER is involved as a partner will also be showcased.

The theme of the 2022 LIBER Winter Event is Building on collaboration for the future.

Topics of Interest

  • Open Access
  • Copyright & Legal Matters
  • Training & skills development
  • Library Architecture
  • Citizen Science
  • Digital Humanities & Access to Digital Heritage
  • Linked Open Data
  • Leadership
  • Research Data Management
  • Data Science
  • Federated Access for Libraries
Date and Hour
01 December 2022 02 December 2022
Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, The Nethelands


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