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Libraries and Open Knowledge: from vision to implementation


Call for papers

The deadline for submitting a proposal is 31 January 2021. In view of the ongoing health crisis because of COVID-19, we have decided to host our Annual Conference Online for the second consecutive year. Guidance and conference topics are outlined in detail below.

The COVID-19 pandemic changed almost every aspect of our everyday lives in a profound way. During such turbulent times, research libraries were called to redesign, adapt and continue to offer their services to researchers and students.

Within their institutions, libraries are responsible for the safekeeping and dissemination of content offering teaching and learning support to the academic staff and students. During lockdowns and significant restrictions of the library’s physical spaces the importance of OER and Open Knowledge came into the spotlight.

In times of crisis, more so than before, libraries remain in the forefront of open innovation and of ensuring the accessibility to knowledge and collections.

Topics & Types of Work

Date and Hour
23 June 2021 25 June 2021


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