EOSC-A 4th General Assembly
General Assembly, May 2022 – Minutes
The next meeting of the General Assembly of the EOSC Association will take place on 24th and 25th May 2022, lunch to lunch, in the great area of Brussels (BE). We aim at holding this 4th meeting with our Members and Observers as a face-to-face encounter, provided it is safe to do so. We are keen on getting together with you in person, which would be the first time since the establishment of the Association.
Conference - Paris, France
The annual Software Heritage Summit and Symposium provides a unique platform for academia, industry, and policymakers to discuss critical issues at the intersection of software, artificial intelligence, and society. This year’s Symposium focuses on four key themes: Cybersecurity and regulation…
Conference - The Hague, the Netherlands
The main theme of IDCC this year is Twenty years back, twenty years forward: lessons and directions in digital curation. The first International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) took place in 2005, one year after the launch of the Digital Curation Centre. The…