EOSC-A 4th General Assembly
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Assemblée générale, mai 2022 – minutes
The next meeting of the General Assembly of the EOSC Association will take place on 24th and 25th May 2022, lunch to lunch, in the great area of Brussels (BE). We aim at holding this 4th meeting with our Members and Observers as a face-to-face encounter, provided it is safe to do so. We are keen on getting together with you in person, which would be the first time since the establishment of the Association.
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WHAT IS PEER REVIEW WEEK? Peer Review Week is a community-led yearly global virtual event celebrating the essential role that peer review plays in maintaining research quality. The event brings together individuals, institutions, and organizations committed to sharing the central…
Conférence - Paris, France
We are delighted to announce the Paris Conference on Open Research Information, a two-day conference for signatories and supporters of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information. The conference will take place on September 23-24, 2024 and will be hosted…
Conférence - Aix-en-Provence
La conservation des données de recherche à court, moyen et long terme est une démarche complexe, Elle présente de nombreux enjeux économiques, technologiques, environnementaux ou patrimoniaux et répond à diverses obligations légales. Elle suppose aussi la mobilisation de nombreux acteurs…
Rencontre - Paris, France
En lien avec le XIXe Sommet de la Francophonie, cette rencontre souhaite permettre à ses participants de s’interroger sur deux ensembles de questions : Pourquoi traduire ? Quelle place la question linguistique occupe-t-elle dans la publication de la recherche en sciences, techniques et médecine…