Call for projects N°2 « Publications » – National Fund for Open Science
Published on January 27, 2021
One of the measures taken for the first topic of “Generalising open access to publications” of the National Plan for Open Science was the creation of an open science fund. The aim of this fund is to support open science initiatives by implementing calls for projects.
The scope of the National Fund for Open Science call for projects 2 (FNSO 2 AAP) covers publishing, open publication and its ecosystem.
Those eligible for the FNSO 2 AAP “Publications” are universities, research organisations, companies and more generally, any entity with a legal status, no matter what form, whose main mission involves research, and/or the dissemination of knowledge and/or data management.
The FNSO 2 AAP covers the following items:
- platforms and publishing entities;
- editorial contents, or applications combining several editorial projects;
- research infrastructures included in the national roadmap for research infrastructures.
The call for projects concerns initiatives undertaken by French institutions or having a significant impact on the French open science landscape and whose governance is based on a significant French contribution.
Candidates must provide information on their exemplarity criteria. These criteria can be considered to be targets. The fact that they are not reached at the beginning of the project does not prevent the project from being submitted. If you cannot meet certain criteria, please explain why.
The co-financing of each project is an evaluation criterion that will be examined by the jury.
Indicative timetable
- January 27, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. CET (UTC+1): Opening of the SIGAP application platform
- March 31, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. CET (UTC+1): Closing of the call for projects
- September 2021: Publication of the results
- October / November 2021: Contracting phase
To respond to the National Fund for Open Science call for projects 2:
1) Carefully read the documentation that can be downloaded below:
- Text of the FNSO 2 “Publications” call for projects;
- Guide to help you register on the SIGAP application platform.
2) Go to the application platform SIGAP at the following address, from January 27, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. CET:
For any questions or difficulties please contact:
Documents has been translated into English to make it easier to understand. However, the only authentic version of this document is the French one.