Publication of a guide to the application of the Law for a Digital Republic as regards research data
The French Committee for Open Science has published a guide that presents and explains the different provisions on opening research data set out in the 2016 Law for a Digital Republic.
Article 6 of the Law for a Digital Republic sets out the general principle of opening data by default and that of the free re-use of data produced by public stakeholders. This principle clearly fully applies to public research data. Article 30 also sets out specific provisions on the opening and re-use of research data.
The guide aims to provide an overall interpretation of these different provisions while clarifying how they work. It describes how the principle of openness by default is implemented and any exceptions that may apply. It also clarifies the specific provisions set out Article 30, namely that it:
- specifies the conditions for opening data in the context of partnership research co-funded by public and private stakeholders;
- establishes that publishers of scientific works may not limit the dissemination and re-use of the data associated a publication.
This guide was jointly produced by the French Committee for Open Science’s Research Data College and Legal Affairs Expert Group.