Open Science and Open Innovation


ICSTI’s 2019 Annual Conference and Workshops will take place in China on 24-26 September. This year’s conference is titled ‘OPEN SCIENCE AND OPEN INNOVATION’ and we are very fortunate that the Shanghai Library/Institute of Scientific & Technical Information of Shanghai (ISTIS) is hosting our event.

The Conference will also include our now renowned ITOC and TACC workshop sessions that will provide significant insights on the theme of ‘0pen science – Latest developments and initiatives’ and ‘Technology Enabled Innovation in Open Science’ respectively.

At the moment the organizers are developing the different programs which details will be confirmed in the coming weeks but we are very pleased to provide you with the first information below.


Monday 23 September: registration

Tuesday 24 September (pm)

Closed Membership Assembly dedicated to ICSTI’s management affairs.

Wednesday 25 September

Devoted to the theme of ‘Open Science and Open Innovation’, Conference opens.
A session organised by the Shanghai Competitive Intelligence Forum (SCIF) is scheduled in the morning. In the afternoon the joint Forum on Knowledge Technology Applications and Information Management Services organised by ICSTI’s member organisations from China (ISTIC), Japan (JST), and Korea (KISTI) is confirmed.

Participation in the Conference is free for ICSTI Members.

Thursday 26 September

- Chaired by Margret Plank of TIB, the ITOC Workshop organised by the Information Trends and Opportunities Committee of ICSTI presents an in-depth perspective on ‘Open Science – Latest Developments and Initiatives’ .

Date and Hour
23 September 2019 26 September 2019
Shanghai Library/Institute of Scientific & Technical Information of Shanghai
Shanghai, Chine
Other Informations


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