

Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, the iPRES2020 had to be postponed to iPRES2021. With the support of the whole community, the 17th International Conference on Digital Preservation, iPRES2021, will be held at the National Science Library, in Oct 19-22, 2021, Beijing, China, and will be organized in a hybrid mode (Onsite and on line). iPRES2021 will be co-hosted by the National Science and Technology Library (NSTL)and the National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences(NSL).

Main Theme : Empowering Digital Preservation for the Enriched Digital Ecosystem 

  • Sub-theme 1: Exploring the New Horizons
  • Sub-theme 2: Scanning the New Development
  • Sub-theme 3: Enhancing the Collaboration
  • Sub-theme 4: Building the Capacity & Capability
  • Sub-theme 5: COVID-19 and Digital Preservation

Call for Contributions

Important Dates

30 Apr. 2021 31th May, 2021: Submission deadline01 May, 2021: Registration open for early birds

15 Jun. 2021: All peer-reviewed contributions notified
15 Jun. 2021: Submission begins for Lightning Talks
31 Jul. 2021: Revisions due
01 Aug. 2021: Registration closed for early birds and open for regular registration.
15 Aug. 2021: Acceptance decisions notified
15 Aug. 2021: First full program
15 Spt. 2021: Second full program
10 Oct. 2021: Final full program
19-22 Oct. 2021: Conference
Date and Hour
19 October 2021 22 October 2021
National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 33 Beisihuan Xilu, Zhongguancun ,
Beijing, China


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