In progress
Implementation of FAIR principles to Research Infrastructures
The I-FAIR IR project led by OpenEdition and involving Université of Caen Normandie reinforces the FAIRisation of infrastructures. It facilitates collaboration and interoperability with other partners and increases the presence of the infrastructures on a national and international level.
Project in brief
Leading establishment
CLEO - Open Edition Center
METOPES - Méthodes et outils pour l’édition structurée
Funding recipient(s)
CLEO - Open Edition Center
Université de Caen Normandie - CERTIC
Université de Caen Normandie - Pôle document numérique MRSH
Project duration
36 mois
298 193,4 €
Components of the projet
- assigning permanent identifiers for all OpenEdition data
- implementation of a licence recommending the use of CC 4.0 on all content and raising awareness of the scientific community
- development of a web service for content structuring and transformation shared by OpenEdition/Métopes