COAR Annual Meeting 2019


The Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) and the Center for Direct Scientific Communication (CCSD) are pleased to announce that the next COAR Annual Meeting will take place in Lyon, France.

COAR vision is to work with the repository community and other stakeholders to develop a sustainable and inclusive global knowledge commons. COAR Annual Meetings over the years have been fundamental for the repository community to reflect local needs while still supporting the global nature of research through a distributed, networked system.

The 2019 COAR Annual Meeting will continue efforts to foster existing relationships across countries and regions in support of global interoperability, sharing of perspectives, and knowledge exchange. Additionally, community discussions will be broadened beyond the institutional and national contexts this year.

The meeting will launch a dialogue with domain repositories and have presentations outlining new initiatives to support publishing functionalities on top of repositories. The meeting will also offer opportunities for participants to discuss other current topics and trends such as FAIR data, next generation repositories and Plan S. Keynote speakers will bookend the meeting to underscore and remind us why our work towards sustainable open access and open science is so important.

Date and Hour
21 May 2019 23 May 2019
From 09h to 17h
Université de Lyon/Lyon University 92 rue Pasteur
Lyon, France
Other Informations
Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR), Center for Direct Scientific Communication (CCSD)


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