RDA 19th Plenary Meeting


Recordings of Plenary 19 Breakout Sessions 

Part of International Data Week

The founding organisations, the International Science Council’s Committee on Data (CODATA) and World Data System (WDS), the Research Data Alliance (RDA) and the local hosts announce that the main conference of International Data Week 2021 will be postponed to 20-23 June 2022. Associated events will take place from 18-26 June 2022. The conference will be a hybrid format with both in-person and virtual participation. IDW 2022 will be hosted in Seoul, South Korea.

The Call for Sessions for RDA’s 19th Plenary is now open! 

Plenary 19 is currently planned to take place as a hybrid event, as part of International Data Week 2022, taking place 20-23 June 2022.

As of 13 December 2021, the RDA is excited to plan for the hybrid plenary within IDW2022, with an in-person element. However, given the ongoing fluidity of the COVID-19 situation, and our commitment to this community’s safety, we ask for your patience as the planning progresses, and your understanding should changes to the plenary format, programme or breakout timings be deemed necessary as a result of the ongoing pandemic.

When submitting your session application, we invite you to indicate your preference for a virtual only or a hybrid (in-person with online participation) session. Given the ongoing uncertainty, we currently have a fixed and limited number of in-person venue facilities. As a result, we may not be able to accomodate all submitted requests for a hybrid session. If you are affected by this, a member of the Secretariat will be in touch with you in week commencing 4 April.

Please note that given the limited number of in-person facilities, we may not be able to accomodate requests for sessions to change from virtual to hybrid and vice-versa after the initial schedule has been developed based on your preferences indicated in your submission.

Repeat sessions will be held virtually only.

Please submit your session application using the forms below by 26 February, 2022.

Notifications of Session Acceptance will be sent out by 24 March 2022.

Date et Heure
20 juin 2022 23 juin 2022
Présentiel et en ligne


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