OPFCON Moves Online


OPFCON Moves Online

In light of the ongoing global pandemic, we have made the decision to move OPFCON online.

In collaboration with our working group, we are reshaping the conference to make it a virtual event. We will be updating the event page with more details over the next few weeks, and we look forward to coming together as a community to celebrate our 10-year anniversary with our members, partners, and friends.


2020 marks 10 years of the Open Preservation Foundation. To honour this occasion, we invite you to join us at a global celebration on 10 June at the Austrian National Library in Vienna. OPFCON celebrates a decade of OPF, considers our impact on the community, and reflects on our role in the future of digital preservation.

The theme of OPFCON is open sustainable digital preservation and  contributions will consider the following areas:

  • Knowledge sharing, policy and best practice
  • Innovation and technology
  • Sustainability through community collaboration


Access the recordings, slides, posters, and other conference materials on the new dedicated OPFCON resources page.

Date et Heure
10 juin 2020
En ligne


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