LIBER 2019


LIBER’s Annual Conference is a key meeting point for research library professionals.

Held in late June or early July, the conference brings library directors and their staff together for three days of networking and collaboration. Delegates mainly come from Europe but people from around the world are welcome, and we regularly welcome guests from countries including Australia, Canada and the United States.

The goal of the conference is to identify the most pressing needs for research libraries, and to share information and ideas for addressing those needs.

Before the main conference, many delegates join workshops and meetings for LIBER Working Groups, and following the conference social events such as tours of the area are arranged for those who wish to participate.

LIBER’s 2019 Annual Conference will take place in Dublin, Ireland on the campus of Trinity College Dublin.

Theme: Research Libraries for Society

In this time of information overload, ‘fake news’, ever-growing possibilities of digital scholarship and worldwide developments in Open Science, library support is needed more than ever. For as long as we can remember, libraries have been caretakers and disseminators of knowledge. Now that information and knowledge seems to be available for all, it still is the library which takes care of that availability, helps to ‘translate’ huge amounts of data to comprehensible and usable input for science, and takes care of disseminating the results of research and education to society at large. This role of research libraries is the focus of our next LIBER Annual Conference.

The Topics:

  • Citizen science and public engagement
  • Copyright and legal matters
  • Information ethics
  • Open Science, including Open Access
  • Linked open data and semantic interoperability
  • Digital humanities and digital cultural heritage
  • The future of collections
  • Bibliometrics
  • Emerging initiatives

All presentations delivered at LIBER’s 2019 Annual Conference are stored here.

You can also find the audio recordings on Spotify.

Date et Heure
26 juin 2019 28 juin 2019
Campus of Trinity College Dublin
Dublin, Irlande


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