LIBER 2023


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LIBER 2023 Annual Conference Theme: Open and trusted – Reassessing research library values.

We live in a perilous and polarized world. People need the assistance of trusted organisations to be equipped to advance their lives.  Research libraries are gateways to the scientific and scholarly information that is vital to address these critical issues, as well as to reach out to research communities. They are both facilitating flows of scientific information for all and encouraging all individuals and groups to find their own way to data and information. 

Capitalising on their central position, research libraries can perform as trusted hubs that reliably connect communities together. Trust is re-surfacing as a concept that should be omnipresent in their mission and activities, from welcoming physical spaces for study and recollection to advanced services for emergent research. Critical responsibilities, such as engagement, adaptation, and sustainability, enable libraries to set up spaces, services and collections that enable their communities to progress. 


Date et Heure
05 juillet 2023 07 juillet 2023
Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Budapest, Hongrie


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