Journées EOSC France 2024


Une synthèse

Les supports des présentations

France is deeply engaged in promoting European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) activities and looks forward to hosting the 3rd edition of its tripartite event in September 2024. This year, the French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology (INRIA) is responsible for the event’s organisation, with Victoria Dominguez-Del-Angel as the main contact person. The implementation of EOSC is based on a long-term process of alignment and coordination pursued by the European Commission, EOSC association and diverse stakeholders of the French and European research landscape.

This tripartite event will provide an overview of current developments in French Open Science. It is an excellent opportunity for researchers to become familiar with relevant topics through roundtable discussions, to expand the EOSC community through networking and knowledge sharing, and finally to discuss challenges and upcoming opportunities in EOSC.

Date et Heure
12 septembre 2024 13 septembre 2024
Institut Henri Poincaré
Paris, France


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