
The FORCE11 annual conference is a different kind of meeting, where stakeholders come together – or scrummage – for an open discussion, on an even playing field, to talk about changing the ways scholarly and scientific information is communicated, shared and used. Researchers, publishers, librarians, computer scientists, informaticians, funders, educators, citizens, and others attend the FORCE11 meeting with a view to supporting the realisation of promising new ideas and identifying new potential collaborators.

FORCE2019 will be held October 16 and 17, 2019 at the BT Murrayfield Rugby Stadium, with pre-conference workshops at the Hilton Grosvenor Hotel on October 15. Please join us.

The program committee for the FORCE2019 meeting in Edinburgh (October 15 – 17) now invites proposals for talks, posters, panels, and workshops to be submitted. The deadline for submissions is June 2, 2019.

The FORCE11 annual conference is a different kind of meeting, where stakeholders come together for an open discussion, on an even playing field, to talk about changing the ways scholarly and scientific information is communicated, shared and used. Researchers, publishers, librarians, computer scientists, informaticians, funders, educators, citizens, and others attend the FORCE11 meeting with a view to supporting the realisation of promising new ideas and identifying new potential collaborators.

Accordingly, the theme of this year’s meeting is collaboration – how people are working across sectors, disciplines and geographies to identify needs and develop solutions to accelerate research communication. Across the different tracks of the meeting we’ll be looking for examples of collaborations and lessons learned from them, as well as ideas for new ways of working together.

Every FORCE11 meeting is different, providing a special forum for the community each time, and taking on at least a little local flavour. In addition to having a wealth of cultural heritage, this year’s host city of Edinburgh aspires to become the « data capital of Europe » ( As such, with « collaboration » as the overall conference theme, you can expect open data, data science and data stewardship to appear throughout the program.

The deadline for proposals is June 2 (April 25)

Date et Heure
16 octobre 2019 17 octobre 2019
BT Murrayfield Rugby Stadium
Édimbourg, Royaume-Uni


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