DARIAH Annual Event 218

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The digitally-enabled arts and humanities have long been a source of collaboration, sharing, openness to new ideas and methods thanks to the profound and pervasive effects of advancing digital research.

Humanists have both pragmatically and philosophically understood that cooperation in teams and openness to innovation are by now intrinsic characteristics of successful research in the field. In recent years, growing out of the broader Open Access movement, the topic of an even deeper Open Science has emerged, both from the research community itself, as well as from research institutions, funders, governments and supranational bodies that wish to see science done in a way that has more impact, is more accessible to both academic peers and the public and is available for inter- and multidisciplinary research.

At this annual event we would like to discuss with the DARIAH.EU community how we deal with issues of open science in the research infrastructure we build, and how the humanities can promote new methodologies for open collaboration.

Date et Heure
22 mai 2018 24 mai 2018
De 14h à 18h
Chalet de la Porte Jaune Avenue de Nogent
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