The International Research Data Community contributing to EOSC


Purpose & Scope 

One year on the launch of EOSC, this timely event wishes to provide a voice to the research data community of stakeholders in a global setting on the European Open Science Cloud progress and early results. The EOSC Executive and Governance Boards have been working hard to shape practical engagement plans, this event wishes to have an exchange between the different players to provide some preliminary results on the Working Group activities as well as to receive feedback and comments from the participants to highlight future priorities.

Therefore, during a one day interactive forum, the agenda will evolve to cover topics around the EOSC Governance Vision and Roadmap, as well as updates from the five Working Groups which are: Architecture, Landscape, FAIR, Sustainability, Rules of Participation. Moreover, taking advantage of the international dimension of the event, representatives from the Governance board will offer their national perspectives and agendas around research data to collect feedback and share lessons learned with representatives from other regions .

All the input received is two-fold, it will firstly help the EOSC governance to set future priorities and secondly it may serve as assessing what potential, new topics can be fed into RDA Working Groups to address the international aspects for EOSC. All the feedback received will be also used to shape the EOSC Symposium event, taking place on 26-28 November 2019, in Budapest, Hungary.



Date et Heure
22 octobre 2019
Aalto University, DIPOLI, Otakaari 24, Otaniemi, Espoo
Helsinki, Finlande
Autres Infos
Organisation, Research Data Alliance (RDA)


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