The Future of Scholarly Communication – OPERAS-P Workshop

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OPERAS-P, an H2020 project coordinated by CNRS, is organising a workshop Future of scholarly communication, which will be dedicated to discussing the outcomes of the research undertaken in the project’s Work Package 6 (Innovation).

Over the course of three days (24–26 February 2021) we will hold two panels a day, during which the research team will present their findings to gather feedback from invited experts and the audience. The different panels address specific scholarly communication topics: innovative governance models in social sciences and humanities (SSH), business models for open access books, multilingualism and bibliodiversity in SSH, opportunities and challenges of FAIRification of SSH data, the future of scholarly writing, and quality assessment of novel research and innovative publications in the SSH research.

For more information please contact Marta Błaszczyńska (marta.blaszczynska[a]

To register via Zoom please follow the link (Single registration for all panels):


Date et Heure
24 février 2021 26 février 2021
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