Ten Years Reproducibility Challenge Workshop REPORT en automne



Did you ever try to run old code that you wrote for a scientific article you published years ago? Did you encounter any problems? Were you successful? We are curious to hear your story. This is the reason why we are editing a special issue of ReScience to collect these stories. (Hinsen and Rougier 2019)

The ten years reproducibility challenge is an invitation for researchers to try to run the code they’ve created for a scientific publication that was published more than ten years ago. This code can be anything (statistical analysis, numerical simulation, data processing, etc.), can be written in any language and can address any scientific domain. The only mandatory condition to enter the challenge is to have published a scientific article before 2010, in a journal or a conference with proceedings, which contains results produced by code, irrespectively of whether this code was published in some form at the time or not.

Note that we do not ask you to write a new version of your old code. We ask you instead to try to make your old code to run on modern hardware/software (with minimal modifications) in order to check if you can obtain the exact same results that were publised at least ten years ago.

Sounds easy? We have good reasons to think this might be more difficult than you think. And maybe the first problem you’ll have to solve is to find your own source code.

Date et Heure
22 juin 2020
Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest centre, Amphithéâtre Ada, 3è étage - 200 avenue de la vieille tour, 33 405 Talence
Bordeaux, France


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