Open Science and Scholarship: Changing Your Research Workflow


Increasingly, funders, publishers and institutions require researchers to work in an Open Science manner. This course offers an introduction in Open Science for students and researchers of all disciplines. There is no experience required with empirical research methods. You will be introduced to many Open Science tools and practices, and discover how external factors influence the options you have to work in a more open way. After this course, you will understand the why and how of Open Science and have hands-on experience with practicing Open Science and Scholarship in all stages of your research, including outreach and assessment.

Increasingly, funders, publishers and institutions require researchers to work in an Open Science manner. This course offers an introduction in Open Science for researchers of all disciplines. You will look at many different research practices across the full research cycle (from discovery, through analysis and writing, to publication, outreach and assessment), and explore the possibilities and benefits of making your own research more open in each stage.

Through short lectures and demos, many hands-on activities and in-depth discussions, you will be introduced to a variety of Open Science tools and practices, and gain insight into enabling and constraining factors that are at play for researchers who want to work in a more open way.

Date et Heure
16 juillet 2018 20 juillet 2018
Library Utrecht University
Autres Infos
Utrecht University - University Library


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