Le rapport vise à mieux comprendre les principales caractéristiques des plateformes alternatives de publication scientifique et la manière dont elles s’insèrent dans l’écosystème de la communication scientifique. La présentation des résultats est suivie par une discussion sur ce qui distingue ces plateformes des formes et modalités plus classiques de communication scientifique.

Knowledge Exchange Analysis Report on Alternative Publishing Platforms

Alexandra Freeman (Université de Cambridge, Octopus)
Xeniavan Edig (Technische Informations bibliothek (TIB))
Bianca Kramer (Sesame Open Science)
Jean-Francois Lutz (Université de Lorraine), co-pilote
Claus Hansen Rosenkrantz (Copenhagen Business School)
Jeroen Sondervan (Dutch Research Council-NWO), co-pilote

Septembre 2023

Over the past decade a vibrant ecosystem of so-called alternative open access publishing platforms has emerged, many of which aim to tackle some of the perceived issues with the journal publishing system other than cost. Some of these platforms represent a move away from the traditional journal as an organising principle. Journals have a number of functions within the scholarly system, from acting as certifiers and a public record of who did what and where; acting as gatekeepers to that record via editorial selection and peer review; and disseminating work to different audiences. Alternative platforms sometimes seek to disaggregate these functions. They might also differ from traditional scholarly journals in other ways, such as their publication process, governance and underlying infrastructure. They often apply a wider disciplinary scope, include the publication of submitted versions/preprints or outputs other than traditional ‘articles’, ‘monographs’ or ‘books’, and apply open and/or post-publication peer review. Often the focus is on free availability of content, transparency and efficiency, or on changes to improve the intrinsic quality of the research work (such as the format of Registered Reports, where the methods are peer reviewed before any experimental work is undertaken), rather than selectivity, impact or prestige.

In 2022, the Knowledge Exchange[1]https://www.knowledge-exchange.info/ started a project, named ‘Alternative Publishing Platforms’, the details of which are set out in a scoping paper.[2]Sondervan,J.,Lutz,J.F.,&Kramer,B.,Mafalda,M.,Morthorst,A.M.VanGrieken,K,Beucke,D.,vanEdig,X.,Bauin,S.,Freeman,A.,Seppänen,J-T.,Riise,R.R.,RosenkrantzHansen,C.,Becerril-Garcia,A.,
 The aim of the project is to gain a better understanding of the landscape formed by these platforms and how they can be placed in the open scholarly communication ecosystem. It also aims to provide research stakeholders (researchers, funders, research performing organisations, libraries) with information to help them identify opportunities for political and financial support for strengthening the sustainability of these platforms.



Table of contents

1. Introduction

2. Alternative Publishing Platforms

3. Survey

4. Methodology

5. Results

5.1 Disciplines and type of publications

5.2 Publication functions

5.3 Ownership and governance

5.4 Publication chronology

5.5 Peer-reviewing

5.6 Content selection

5.7 Revenue models

5.8 Technology and interoperability

5.9 Copyright and licensing

6. Platform characteristics – interactive visualisation

7. Discussion

8. Concluding remarks

9. Appendices

9.1: APP questionnaire

9.2 Appendix 2: list of platforms