

In 2019, the Electronic Publishing conference will expand your horizons and perceptions! Taking as an inspirational starting point the term coined by Chilean publishers in the 1990s, the forum will revisit the concept and will explore what it means today. Being organised five years after the adoption of the International Declaration of Independent Publishers to Promote and Strengthen Bibliodiversity Together, supported in 2014 by 400 publishers from 45 countries, the conference aims to bring together the enquiring academic, professional and publishing industry minds keen to explore the ever evolving nature of the knowledge transmission within the human societies.

Programme: https://elpub2019.hypotheses.org/programme/conference-programme

Keynotes: https://elpub2019.hypotheses.org/keynote-speakers

Les présentations de la 23e conférence Elpubsont sont accessibles sur Episciences.

Date et Heure
02 juin 2019 04 juin 2019
Palais du Pharo
Marseille, France


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