24th ElPub Conference: Charting the Future(s) of Digital Publishing


Conference update, 23 March 2020

With the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, and with the wellbeing of our delegates being of the highest importance,  we decided to be truly electronic and innovative and to adopt an online format for the forthcoming conference. We will keep the same dates and we will ask you to allocate time to join online.  Our programme will be published soon with instructions on how to participate – both for the presenters and the audience! 

Although the conference still has costs to cover, we will NOT charge any participation fees but will ask participants to register as a continuity in this long-standing event which will celebrate its 25th edition next year. 

The conference will address the general theme Charting the Future(s) of Digital Publishing. It will be hosted by UCL Qatar, a centre of excellence in cultural heritage studies in Qatar located in the Education City in Doha.


The Elpub conference has featured research results and new trends in practice in various aspects of digital publishing for over two decades, involving a diverse international community of academics across the disciplines in the sciences and the humanities, librarians, developers, publishers, entrepreneurs and administrators. It is unique as a platform for researchers, professionals and the broader community of practice.

The conference is held annually and contains a multi-track presentation of refereed papers as well invited keynotes, special sessions, demonstrations, and poster presentations. This is its first edition in the Middle East. Submit your papers – we work on finding support for all authors of accepted papers!

Date et Heure
18 avril 2020 21 avril 2020
UCL Qatar
Doha, Qatar


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