18th Munin Conference on scholarly publishing


The Munin Conference is an annual conference on scholarly publishing and communication, primarily revolving around open access, open data and open science.

The Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing has a history going back to 2006. In connection with the official opening of Munin, the institutional repository of the University of Tromsø, two seminars were arranged. The first was in September marking the launch of Munin, the second was held in the end of November, looking at the effects of the Norwegian system for financing institutions in part based upon the publishing volume (and quality) of the institutions. This last seminar has evolved into the annual Munin conference.

In the years following 2006, the Munin Conference was held in Norwegian, often having a Norwegian focus, but gradually looking further and losing the local focus. From 2010 on the conference has been held in English only. This all-English policy has enabled keynotes and other speakers to participate fully in the whole program, and to make Europe, not only Norway, the “market” for the conference.

Themes for the conferences have always been some aspect of scholarly/scientific publishing and communication, with “open” as an important aspect. See the list of our keynotes since the start in 2006 and the Archive for conference material from 2010.

The Munin audience has partly been librarians working on OA and publishing issues from higher education libraries from the whole of Norway, partly research administrators from the same institutions, partly researchers and students from UiT The Arctic University of Norway and – increasingly – librarians and research administrators from the Nordic countries and the rest of Europe. We would like to engage researchers to a larger extent than we have succeeded in doing so far – after all publishing is there to serve their needs – and to strengthen their participation in the conference.

Le programme

Date et Heure
08 novembre 2023 10 novembre 2023
Campus of UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Tromsø, Norvège et en ligne


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Driving transformation in scholarly communications locally and globally. Keynote speakers Dr Danny Kingsley, Visiting Fellow, Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science, ANU, Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Charles Sturt University. Dr. Veronique Kiermer, Chief Scientific Officer, PLOS Daniella Lowenberg,…
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