15th International Digital Curation Conference



The 15th edition of the International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) will be run in partnership with the Digital Repository of Ireland. The conference will be hosted at Croke Park, home of Ireland’s Gaelic games, from 17-20 February 2020.

Collective Curation: the many hands that make data work

The programme will focus on community, the various stakeholders that play a role in ensuring digital objects are properly created, managed and shared. Submissions will address the following topics:

  • Social, political and cultural implications of digital curation
  • Trust: assessing content and containers
  • Data stewardship
  • Preservation planning


The early bird deadline has been extended to 10 January, 5 pm UTC.  We are aware that some of you tried to register by the 31st of December but came across technical difficulties so we are extending the deadline to compensate for this.

For information on how to register please see http://www.dcc.ac.uk/events/idcc20/registration .

Call for Papers

Collective Curation: the many hands that make data work

It takes a community to raise a child, so the proverb goes, and the same applies to digital content. Many stakeholders play a role in ensuring digital objects are properly created, managed and shared. Entire research communities need to agree on standards for data sharing, for example, and actions taken by content creators and curators have a huge impact on the ability for others to find, evaluate, understand and reuse objects. Decisions can empower or marginalise communities, and records can hold great power to help restore identity, promote truth and support reconciliation.

With modern technology, anyone can be a content creator and provider with a potentially worldwide audience. The original intention of the internet as trusted sites of authority exchanging data of known quality has been overtaken by the flood of content on the world wide web. In this landscape, how do we evaluate and exchange information and ensure meaningful knowledge production? How do we harness the freedom and inclusiveness of the Web while enabling effective curation? How do we ensure that content is preserved for long-term accessibility?

The 15th International Digital Curation Conference takes place in Dublin in collaboration with the Digital Repository of Ireland. DRI is a certified trusted digital repository for Ireland’s social and cultural data, and is widely engaged in a host of research projects spanning digital cultural heritage, research data management, Open Science policy and training, data preservation in the humanities and social sciences, and best practices in digital archiving and open repository architecture. DRI has organised and hosted dozens of conferences large and small including its biannual conference, DPASSH (Digital Preservation in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities), and the Research Data Alliance plenary.


  • Papers, 1 July 2019
  • Lightning Talks, 1 July 2019
  • Demonstrations, 29 July 2019
  • Workshops, 29 July 2019
  • Posters, 30 September 2019

For instructions on how to submit, please visit http://www.dcc.ac.uk/events/idcc20/submissions

The workshops will take place on the 17 February 2020, the main conference will be held on 18 and 19 February. The programme ends on the 20, with the Unconference. We would like to invite you to think about topics for discussion.


Date et Heure
17 février 2020 20 février 2020
Croke Park
Dublin, Irlande


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